Guitar / Ukulele – Adult

Rene Hugo-Sanchez
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
07:00 PM
07:30 PM
Preschool at *West End Community Centre
Day of Week
Age Category
Program Category

Learn how to play chords or notes in guitar or ukulele at your own level and pace. The classes are highly focused on technique and practicing skills.Students must provide their own instrument and a digital tuner. A nylon string guitar and a soprano or concert ukulele with a strap is highly recommended for beginners. Books will be available at the first class for $15.00. Please bring a foot stool for classical guitar and your own book if you already have. Students: Please bring:?A pencil to take notes?Digital Tuner?Foot stool for guitar?Guitar

Rene Hugo-Sanchez
Instructor Bio: